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The Emergency Handbook For Getting Money Fast Pdf

Carole has distilled the essential ingredients of how to createprosperity in your life - better than virtually any other author I've read - and I've read dozens of prosperity books. Carole's book is essential because she emphasizes the importance of feeling one's vision - feeling from the heart instead of operating from the head or mind. Most prosperity authors focus on creating prosperity from the mind.

Carole is honest, sincere, and very down-to-earth in her guidance. She stresses the importance of maintaining a connection with our inner power as the key to creating.

Most of all, she emphasizes the importance of having fun while creating one's prosperity! Her exuberance leaps off the pages of her wonderful and engaging book which I re-read continuously. I keep a copy in my desk at work and one by my bedside. She is a prosperity genius! Do you think life is like a sour bowl of cherries? Have you tried every technique imaginable and have yet to yield the desires of your heart? Is lack of money causing you great worry, angst, and pain?

The Emergency Handbook For Getting Money Fast Pdf Files

Have you followed every guru and next big thing to bring about wealth and success in your life, or to even attract the romantic relationship of your dreams? Feel frustrated with it all yet have no idea where to turn?The Emergency Handbook For Getting Money FAST!!

By Carole Dore' is the solution to these life challenges and many more. If you are new to visualization, law of attraction, affirmations, goal-setting and the like, in this wonderful gem of a handbook, Carole Dore' provides the perfect introduction to information and processes that will guide you and empower you with practical insight and processes for which with consistent practice you will begin to see noticeable results in your life.If you are familiar with visualization, law of attraction, affirmations, etc. But are not getting the 'results' you seek, The Emergency Handbook For Getting Money FAST! Is a positive reinforcement when applied correctly; these processes do work.The Emergency Handbook for Money Getting FAST! Provides instruction on how to tap into the missing link.One of the other things that make's The Emergency Handbook for Getting Money FAST!


Special and unique is that you find EVERYTHING you need in this one resource - so, there is no need to purchase an abundance of other books. Additionally, Carole Dore' has written candidly and lovingly about her experiences, and provides real life guidance and steps that helped her in every situation she faced to reach a positive outcome. You can truly feel Carole Dore's sincerity and genuineness for wanting to help make a difference in the lives of people.The Emergency Handbook for Getting Money FAST! Is no ordinary book!

Beautifully illustrated, lovingly written, with space for writing, and inspirational quotes and Scriptures interspersed are all terrific reasons you should own The Emergency Handbook for Getting Money FAST! Equally important is that The Emergency Handbook for Getting Money FAST! Works - not just when you need or want money (or more of it), but when you seek to realize the desires of your heart sooner than later and reach a place of true relief and peace on all levels.Not found in bookstores, you'll want to access CaroleDore dot com to obtain The Emergency Handbook for Getting Money FAST! When you do your life will be transformed.

Highly recommended!Every day in every way you are joyously moving forward. This will help you get there and maintain permenancy on all levels of your desires.Reviewed by Marina Woods for GoodGirlBookClubOnline.

Physically, this is a beautiful book, with a deep green luxurious leather cover. Just holding it makes you feel prosperous. It has attactive ink drawings with snippets of scriputre throughout.Although the author has a few new twists on the familiar law of attraction outline, there is not alot of new material. The book however is fun to use and play with.

I wish there were further elaboration on some of the exercises as opposed to plugs for other products. All in all, it is a worthwhile primer for students of prosperity.

Carole Dore teaches timeless principles in this book. She shows how to draw things into your life using Spirit/Universal Wisdom (high vibrations) instead of force (think James Arthur Ray, Tony Robbins, high energy, yet forceful men).

One of her teachings is that if you attract things to you correctly, using Spirit, you can keep your riches; you tend to hold onto them. Sometimes when things are attracted by force they tend to go right out - that crazy, obsessive energy. I've seen this principle happen many times.

The chiropractic office that makes you sign up for 'deals' that lose customers because they are solely focused on money. My single friends who have to have a certain man. That just repels the men that they 'have to have.' I've not heard of some of these principles before.

Carole Dore teaches NEW TEACHING - for the people who want to hear new things.I love the list on how to get in a state of high vibration - laugh, dance, listening to uplifting music. She's very generous as the list goes on and on.She comes from a religious science background so she uses phrases like 'there is only One Power.'

I don't have a problem with that, but atheists or agnostics might.I LOVE her teachings. They are pure. This is the only manifestation/positive thinking author I know who lets you feel your emotions and tells you not to suppress them. That might have been in the Male/Female series. People who suppress their emotions tend to manifest them later on, usually in a blow up type of fashion. She shows you how to be authentic and come from a place of clarity.I'm not sure if the book is still available, but if you can get your own, new copy, she'll inscribe it for you. I like that personal touch.

I've spoken with her over the years and she's genuine and wholesome and has a personality. She definitely has a connection to Spirit, someone to have on your side. This book is written beautifully.

Quite simple wording, yet, it is such a loving book that I find it hard to stop reading it at night. I have read many, many books on attracting abundance and they all work to a degree. Once we get what we asked for, we are always onto something new, as the abundance was attracted through our mind, and mind is never ever satisfied.This book teaches how to attract from the heart and that makes all the difference. Also, every Carol's word vibrates with love and acceptance of life. The energy a teacher uses when writing their books is always stored in the words of the very book.One of the best book on the wealth and money, for sure.Vesna S. The True Value 'Hidden' inside this book - is something of such an Enormous Magnitude that the title should be revised!!!Yes, this book will for sure guide you in 'How to get Money Fast'.However, an accurate title of describing the Treasures Within this book would be 'The Ultimate Book about LOVE!' Never in my life have I directly experienced such an overwhelming Feeling of pure Love 'radiating' from a book.Just open the front cover and this book will 'reveal' itself to You.It is beyond any doubt THE Ultimate guide on how to Give and Receive LOVE.Mats Fondelius - CEO.

This is the most phenomenal book you will read! You will want to keep it with you at all times for 'support'. It truly is an Emergency Handbook and Carole Dore really knows what she is talking about. She has tapped into the keys that unlock the door to visualization. For those of you who know about visualization, use this book to refine your methods! It is wonderful and just to hold the book in your hands will raise your vibration! For those of you who know about 'The Secret' this explains exactly how and why the secret works!

Happy Reading:).

.General Applicant InformationThe objective of the Public Assistance Program is to provide assistance to States, local governments, and selected Non-Profit organizations to alleviate suffering and hardship resulting from major disasters or emergencies declared by the President.Why an Applicant Handbook?The Applicant Handbook was developed to provide easy to follow instructions on how to apply for Public Assistance grants. Numerous applicants, State emergency managers, and Federal Public Assistance staff requested the development of a handbook to help walk applicants through the procedures and forms necessary to determine eligibility and receive money for damages sustained as a result of a Presidentially declared disaster.

The intent of this handbook is to do just that.You, the applicant, play an active role throughout the disaster recovery process. It is our belief that you are in the best position to identify and prioritize local needs and that we, in concert with our State partners, can better serve you by providing technical and financial assistance to meet those needs.To participate fully, you must be able to develop accurate and complete scopes of work and cost estimates. This handbook is a tool to help you accomplish these tasks. It will also help you understand what technical assistance is available and how to obtain it.You are responsible for maintaining your project records according to the program requirements. Our procedures require that only minimal documentation be collected and retained by FEMA.

Guidelines for organizing and maintaining documentation are provided in this handbook.Recovering from disaster can be a long and arduous road for any community. It is our hope that this guide will help make the path a little easier and the recovery effort a little faster.How does FEMA get involved in a State disaster?Once a disaster has occurred, and the State has declared a state of emergency, the State will evaluate the recovery capabilities of the State and local governments. If it is determined that the damage is beyond their recovery capability, the governor will normally send a request letter to the President, directed through the Regional Director of the appropriate FEMA region.

The President then makes the decision whether or not to declare a major disaster or emergency.After a presidential declaration has been made, FEMA will designate the area eligible for assistance and announce the types of assistance available. FEMA provides supplemental assistance for State and local government recovery expenses, and the Federal share will always be at least 75 percent of the eligible costs.What is a PDA?A Preliminary Damage Assessment (PDA) is the process used to determine the magnitude and impact of the State’s damage. A FEMA/State team will usually visit local applicants and view their damage first hand to assess the scope of damage and estimate repair costs. The results of this survey are used to help determine the need for Federal involvement in the recovery process.What do I need to do?.Besides showing the team your damage sites, be sure to bring to their attention any environmental or historic issues that may be present, along with any known insurance coverage.You should also explain what immediate expenditures might be associated with any emergency work you have identified.

This information may be used to provide you some expedited funding, if a declaration is obtained for your area.Is there a way to get money fast?Immediate Needs Funding (INF) is money earmarked for the most urgent work in the initial aftermath of a disaster. The funds may be provided to any eligible applicant for eligible emergency work that must be performed immediately and paid for within the first 60 days following declaration. Eligible work typically includes debris removal, emergency protective measures, and removal of health and safety hazards.

Immediate needs funds can be used for expenses resulting from this eligible work, such as temporary labor costs, overtime payroll, equipment, and material fees.How does it work?During the PDA, immediate needs are noted for each area surveyed. If a disaster is declared, and the State thinks damage costs warrant the need for immediate cash flow, the State may INF on your behalf. Up to 50% of the Federal share estimate of emergency monies will then be placed in the State’s account. Because this money can be made available in advance of normal procedures once a disaster has been declared, paperwork and processing times are reduced and you can receive emergency funds sooner.

Even though your facilities may have been included in the PDA, INF will not be available unless your county/city has been included in the presidential declaration.What do I need to do?.If your damage sites have been surveyed in the PDA, you may be eligible for INF. If you are, the choice of whether or not to apply for these funds is yours.INF is usually based on a percentage of the emergency work identified during the PDA. You can assist the PDA team by alerting them to your emergency work, along with any associated immediate expenditures and helping to estimate damage costs.Your State will notify you on how to apply INF. Typically they will have you send a letter of request to a designated State official.You must submit a completed Request for Public Assistance (Request) (FEMA Form 90-49) before the State will release any INF.You may use INF for any eligible emergency work that requires payment within the first 60 days following declaration.No INF will be allocated for work projects identified during the PDA that include environmental or historic considerations, or for hazard mitigation projects.

Specialists conducting the PDA will use a list of Special Considerations questions to help determine INF eligibility.Any INF you receive will be offset against the costs of your actual emergency work projects as they are received.If your actual emergency work project costs are less than the INF received, then INF will be offset against permanent work projects. Eligible permanent work costs will not be obligated until INF is reimbursed.If your damages are not identified during the PDA or if no immediate needs are noted, you still will have the opportunity to request expedited handling of your emergency work when you officially file your Request.How do I apply for a Public Assistance Grant?The Request is FEMA’s official application form. It is a simple, short form with self-contained instructions. The Request (FEMA form 90-49) asks for general information which identifies you as an applicant, starts the grant process and opens your Case Management File, which contains your general claim information as well as records of meetings, conversations, phone messages and any special issues or concerns that may affect your funding.How does it work?You have 30 days from the date of the presidential disaster declaration or the designation of your area in which to submit the Request form to your State Public Assistance Officer. The form may be delivered in person at the Applicants’ Briefing or by mail, or fax (and eventually, via the Internet). The sooner your Request is submitted, the sooner the system will begin to work for you.What do I need to do?.Review the Request (FEMA form 90-49) on page 6 so you are familiar with the information needed.Fill out the form completely providing accurate phone numbers and contact information.Submit the form to your State representative at the Applicants’ Briefing.


You may also FAX or mail it in.The Request form establishes you as an applicant and initiates the grant process on your behalf. Even if you only request INF, you must submit a Request form before the actual funds are released by the State.Do not delay in submitting the Request form because you do not have a complete assessment of your damages.

As soon as FEMA receives your Request, you can receive assistance in assessing damages and help in completing additional paperwork.Is there a deadline?Yes, the Request must be submitted to the State Public Assistance Officer within 30 days of the date of designation of your area.What is the Applicants’ Briefing?The Applicants’ Briefing is a meeting conducted by the State to inform prospective applicants of available assistance and eligibility requirements for obtaining Federal assistance under the declared event. These meetings are conducted a few days after the declaration. The Request forms usually are distributed and collected at this time.What do I need to do?.Although great benefit may be obtained from these briefings if an elected official or a financial management representative attends, maximum benefit is ensured if someone who will actually be using the information also attends the meeting.Complete and submit the Request form at the meeting to avoid delay in getting the process started. Once the Request form is turned in, you will be assigned a Public Assistance Coordinator who will serve as your customer service representative.If you have an INF request, be sure and bring it to the attention of the State representative conducting the briefing.Who is a PAC?The Public Assistance Coordinator (PAC) is a customer service representative assigned to work with you from declaration to funding approval.

The PAC is trained in Public Assistance policies and procedures and will guide you through the steps necessary to receive funding. This individual will maintain and manage a Case Management File containing information on your projects, conversations regarding the damages to your facilities and issues affecting your FEMA assistance.What does the PAC do?Working in partnership with you, a PAC is assigned to manage your case from beginning to end, providing comprehensive information, explanation, and technical assistance.

As needed, your PAC can help you to document your damage, determine eligible repair work, estimate costs, develop work projects, and identify issues such as insurance coverage, environmental resources, and historic buildings, which require special attention. The earlier these Special Considerations are identified, the sooner they can be resolved and public assistance funding made available to you.It is the PAC’s responsibility to ensure that all damage is reported correctly and accurately, that Special Considerations are identified and evaluated, and that projects are approved and obligated in a timely manner. The PAC, as manager of the Case Management File, is also responsible for recording all meetings and conversations, tracking the progress of projects and issues, and documenting any concerns that may affect your funding.How will I be dealing with my PAC?.You should expect to meet with your PAC in person and talk with him or her by phone as often as you need.You can expect to be contacted by your PAC within one (1) week from the time you submit your Request form. If you have not heard from your PAC by the end of two (2) weeks, please notify your State Public Assistance Officer.The first meeting with your PAC is called the Kickoff Meeting, where comprehensive information and assistance tailored to your damage claims will be reviewed.If at all possible, attend the Applicants’ Briefing for your area, obtain a Disaster Fact Sheet, create a list of all your damages and review this handbook before meeting with your PAC.Who is a Liaison?The Applicant Liaison (Liaison) is the State’s customer service representative assigned to work with you and the PAC. The Liaison is responsible for providing you with specific information on State regulations, documentation and reporting requirements.

The Emergency Handbook For Getting Money Fast Pdf Full

The Liaison is also there to provide technical assistance, when requested, and can help in the identification of Hazard Mitigation opportunities.How will I be dealing with my Liaison?.The first meeting with your Liaison will be at the Kickoff Meeting. The Liaison will provide the State’s perspective on the recovery process and will explain any State specific reporting requirements.As a State representative, the Liaison should be familiar with your area and any special conditions that might be present in your area. Do not hesitate to seek the advice and counsel of the Liaison about area specific questions.You should expect to meet with your Liaison in person and talk with him or her by phone as often as you need.What is a Kickoff Meeting?The first meeting with your PAC and Liaison is called the Kickoff Meeting.

The Emergency Handbook For Getting Money Fast Pdf 2017

It is at this meeting that your damages will be discussed, your needs assessed, and a plan of action put in place. The PAC will go over what will be expected of you, and will provide detailed instructions on what to do and how to do it.

The Liaison will provide State specific details on documentation and reporting requirements. Both the PAC and Liaison will help identify any Special Considerations in your area.The PAC will contact you to set up this meeting. After reviewing your list of damages, the PAC will help you determine what technical assistance, if any, is needed to prepare your Project Worksheets (FEMA Form 90-91). This meeting is also the place to bring any questions or concerns you may have about how the Public Assistance process works or what might be expected of you.Who should attend?.When your PAC contacts you to schedule a Kickoff Meeting, make sure to discuss who else should attend.It may be helpful to have your risk manager who is familiar with you insurance coverage, record keeper, public works officials, and/or others with working knowledge of the repairs needed, in attendance.What do I need to do?.You can expect to be contacted by your PAC within one (1) week after submission of your Request. If you have not heard from your PAC within two (2) weeks, contact your State Public Assistance Officer to arrange the first meeting.Compile a list of all your damages.

Take that list with you to the Kickoff Meeting.Pay close attention when your PAC shows you how to prepare detailed descriptions and summaries of your repair projects. By the end of the Kickoff Meeting, you should have received the information you need to proceed with disaster recovery and will understand what to expect.Identify circumstances that require special review, such as insurance coverage, environmental resource issues, and historic preservation.

The earlier these conditions are known, the faster they can be addressed, and they must be addressed before funding can be approved.You are encouraged to participate fully in managing your repair projects, particularly small projects.Request clarification of anything you do not understand and bring forward any issues that may concern you. Full discussion and regular interaction with your PAC and Liaison will help to resolve differences as they arise and expedite approval of your projects.Contact your PAC whenever you have questions or need assistance.You are responsible for maintaining records of completed work and work to be completed. Your PAC will provide a detailed list of required records and can recommend ways of organizing them.Project FormulationWhat is Project Formulation?The next step in disaster recovery is to fully document the extent of your damages and to plan the repair work.

The emergency handbook for getting money fast pdf 2017

Project formulation is the process of documenting the eligible facility, the eligible work and the eligible cost for fixing the identified damages. You, the applicant, are responsible for identifying all damages and determining how you will develop your work projects.Project formulation allows you to administratively consolidate multiple work items into single projects in order to expedite approval and funding, and to facilitate project management. A project is a logical method of performing work required as a result of the declared event. You may include more than one damage site in a project. This offers flexibility in organizing and managing the work around your needs. Your PAC will explain advantages and disadvantages, as well as different ways of formulating projects so that you can decide what works best for you.What is the difference between a large and small project?To facilitate review, approval and funding, repair projects are divided by dollar amount into small and large projects.

In most disasters, the majority of work consists of small projects. A small project is any eligible work, either emergency or permanent, costing from $1,000 to $47,800 ($47,800 is the threshold for small projects for Federal fiscal year 1999 and is adjusted annually.) Funding for small projects is based on the Federal share—usually 75%—of the approved estimate of eligible work.You are responsible for identifying all projects and are encouraged to provide your own scopes of work and cost estimates for small projects. Details on this process are given later in this book.

Your PAC will explain the entire process during the Kickoff Meeting and will be available at any time to provide further assistance.Although you are responsible for identifying large projects, only the basic description of the project and a broad cost estimate is required. Large projects, those with damage costs over $47,800 (Federal FY 99) will be formulated as a team effort with FEMA, State and your local representative as partners. Funding for large projects is based on actual costs to complete the eligible scope of work. The funding for each large project will be adjusted after all work is complete.What do I need to do?.Combine your various recovery efforts into projects.

A project should be formulated to meet your recovery needs.Multiple damaged sites and eligible work may be combined administratively into a single project for a variety of justifiable reasons. You may select any reasonable method to manage your projects.After the Specialist has reviewed the Special Considerations Questions with you, it may be necessary for FEMA to conduct an Environmental Assessment.

If this occurs, you will need to keep a record of the information pertaining to the alternatives that were considered.What are some examples of project formulation?.Specific Site – all work at a specific site may be a project, such as a single road washout site. This method is used often if the site has Special Considerations.Specific Facility – all work on a bridge may be a project, or restoration of a building and its contents may be a project. This method is used for large projects.Type of Damage – all work under a specific category may be a project such as debris removal (Category A) or all work at certain types of facilities may be a project, such as all gravel roads on one project and all paved roads on another.System – all work to a system may be a single project, for example, repairs to the water distribution system including multiple waterline breaks may be one project.Jurisdiction – all work within a specific area such as a park, may be a project. Or, all work within an administrative department of an applicant, such as the city police, fire, and public works departments, may be a project.Method of Work – a project may be grouped by how the work will be completed. For example, all work completed under a single contract may be a project. Or, all work undertaken by a force account crew may be a project.Complex – for extensive damage to several facilities at a complex (for example, a high school) all damage could be combined into one project, or separated into several projects, such as roof repair, or work done by a single contractor, or all repairs done by force account.Special Considerations – a project may be grouped by special issues that might take longer to resolve, such as environmental or historic concerns.May more than one category be combined in a single project?Yes. More than one category of work may be combined in a single project if the combination is practical.

For example, if the project is to repair a park (Category G) it may include work to repair roads within the park (Category C). However, for the most part, emergency work (Categories A & B) should not be combined with permanent work (Categories C through G) unless the emergency work is incidental to the permanent repair. It should be noted that even though categories may be combined, FEMA eligibility criteria will still be applied as is appropriate to the type of work/costs performed.For example, some debris removal (emergency work) may be required prior to repairing undermining of a bridge abutment (permanent work). Since the debris removal is incidental to completing the bridge repair, the work may be formulated on a single project. Categories are explained in detail under Appendix A of this handbook and also in the Public Assistance Guide, (FEMA 286, to be replaced by FEMA 322).You will need to complete a Project Worksheet for each of your small projects.

When you have completed worksheets for all or a logical subset of your small projects, submit them to your PAC. The PAC can begin the processing of your claims as soon as you submit the Project Worksheets.If you need money quickly because you have extensive emergency repairs or because you did not receive Immediate Needs Funding, you have the option of submitting emergency work as soon as you can formulate those projects. You can then turn to preparing documentation for permanent repair work. The choice is yours, based on your funding or other needs.Note: If sites are combined in such a way that the cost estimate exceeds the large project / small project threshold, the project is considered a large project. This is true even if all individual sites within the project are damaged less than the large project threshold amount.The Project WorksheetWhat is a Project Worksheet?A Project Worksheet is the form used to document the scope of work and cost estimate for a project.

This form supplies FEMA with the information necessary to approve the scope of work and itemized cost estimate prior to funding. Each project must be documented on a separate Project Worksheet. The approved Project Worksheet will then be the basis for funding under the Public Assistance Program.A project is a logical method of performing work required as a result of the declared event. You may include more than one damage site in a project. This offers flexibility in organizing and managing the work around your needs.Once you have consolidated similar work items into projects, you will need to fully document your damage and repair plan by completing a Project Worksheet for each project. Although more than one site can be combined to make a project, only one project may be listed on a Project Worksheet.How do I complete the Project Description?The Project Description describes the facility, location, its pre-disaster function, and the disaster-related damage. From that information, the scope of work is developed describing in detail the work necessary to return the facility to its pre-disaster design.

The damage description and scope of work should be listed in the areas provided on the Project Worksheet. For a complete, accurate and itemized damage description and scope of work you will need to:.Describe the pre-disaster facility, function and location (including Latitude/Longitude when known).Describe the disaster-related damage to the facility.Describe the repairs necessary to repair the facility to its pre-disaster design (scope of work). Describe any change in the pre-disaster design of the facility that is required.Describe any known environmental or historic issues or concerns related to the repair. Environmental and historic issues are concerns included in a grouping referred to as Special Considerations and is discussed more fully in Chapter 7.Describe any damage that could be repaired in such a manner as to reduce the risk of the same damage from happening again. This type of preventive repair is known as Hazard Mitigation and is discussed more fully in Chapter 7.How do I describe the Project Location?The exact location of the damaged facility must be described. This information should be specific enough to enable field personnel to easily locate the facility if a site visit is necessary.